hibernation tattoos
Kendra has been passionate about art her entire life. She started tattooing in 2014 and quickly fell in love. Open to any style or idea, she enjoys helping clients turn their visions into wearable reality. She has an affinity for plants, animals, and all things of nature. She does cover ups and is always up for a challenge or something new.
Jen is currently our shops only artist that also pierces! Initially starting as a piercer and has been professionally piercing since 2008. Becoming interested in tattooing from being around fellow artists, and watching the beautiful work they produced, she began to learn. With 8 years of professional tattooing experience, she has developed her choice style as traditional and neo traditional art.
Maris especially enjoys tattooing things from nature and science, weird ornate historical objects, custom typography, and decorative patterns.
Kate Glasheen was born and raised in Troy, New York and lived there until their departure for Pratt Institute to pursue a BFA in Fine Art. Kate has since been a creator, artist, and contributor for several critically acclaimed books, participated in exhibitions and collections across the globe, and worked on a few of the biggest properties in entertainment. Their latest graphic novel, Constellations (Holiday House, 2023), was chosen as Booklist’s Editor’s Choice and Top Ten First Novel for Youth, as well as a School Library Journal pick for Best Book of the Year (Graphic Novel).
Kate’s artistic interests find communion in fine and sequential art under the notion that there's something hilarious about something that's not funny at all.
Sammy is the shop manager here, handling most emails and phone calls. Always having a passion for art, she is currently a tattoo apprentice, hoping to be an artist soon! She has been piercing for over a year after finishing her piercing apprenticeship at the end of 2021, and making the switch to start learning tattoos not long after. Prior to that she was a manager at multiple Wawa's for most of her youth.
I love Drawing and I Love Tattoos.
I love People and I Love their stories.
I love drawing tattoos for people about their stories.
Tattoos are expressions of more than simply your inner self. They symbolize chapters in your life story. Reminders of the fantastic and horrible things that simply couldn’t be kept inside. My first memory of tattoos happens to be one of those stories.
My first meaningful experience with tattoos and the story behind them went something like this...
A shirtless biker swinging on a rope with a chainsaw in one hand and a can of beer clenched in his teeth hit the ground running after carving up a weeping willow tree in our yard. After a brief struggle with gravity, he emerged from around the tree with his beer held high. Not a drop was spilled. As the neighborhood onlookers cheered his good fortune I noticed his tattoos. When I was finally able to make out the messy bluish letters my 7 year old mind came to screeching halt. Why would anyone get this permanently scrawled on them if it wasn’t true? Tarzan must have seen the look of confusion on my face and he proceeded to tell me a very graphic, inspired story of what the king of the jungle does for fun at night and how his tattoos help him achieve these goals.
After I processed the information as best a kid could, I realized his tattoos were just a joke.
They weren’t really there to distinguish the "sweet" or "sour" flavor of his nipples at all, but to help start a conversation with "the ladies". As I pondered this with my 7 year old brain, I came to two conclusions; this guy was better than me at climbing trees, and I was definitely going to get some tattoos.
I have yet to warn the public regarding any discrepancy in the flavor profile of body parts, but I have marked myself with a variety of images that both celebrate life and bookmark the stories, both good and bad, that I've lived to tell.
I have a diverse background in both life and art with emphasis on more illustrative concepts combined with a graphic sensibility in terms of layout and design . I don't subscribe to any particular "style" as my goal is to produce imagery that my client can relate to, not what the flavor of the day might be.
So, whether you're a little "sweet" or a little "sour" write me a paragraph and/or send me some images and we can create a one of a kind tattoo bookmarking your story in ink.